Shiteposting Reviews
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Ready or Not - vyrmin - 06.01.2024

Overpriced and buggy SWAT clone that will probably never leave Early Access. There have been NO updates for 9 months at this point. Supporters are thrown a couple devlogs/updates every couple weeks to keep them from refunding - nothing ever comes of it. Glove skins? Signatures? Fix your game and stop deleting maps before doing cosmetics. "12 months in EA" my ass.
I'm pretty sure this is an exit scam at this point.

There are about 3 "finished" maps and the rest are replaced and deleted at will, all while staying buggy, unfinished and unbalanced. Frequent wall clipping and light/render bugs. Terrible AI pathfinding, making large parts of various maps inaccessible. Squad AI frequently teleporting around. Enemy AI uses aimbot and inhuman reflexes. Tactics don't matter, you have to shoot (terrible for a swat simulator).

Modding community is highly active and was supported and even highlighted by devs, bringing many new options to the game. Realism and immersion should be the priority in updates for this game, not content (Gloves).

Cut-and-resold content a la EA in the supporter edition is a MAJOR annoyance and completely pointless in an early access title aside from serving as a cashgrabbing measure. Devs have tried to "explain" this decision to the community, lying and/or being extremely incompetent in their argumentation.

Update for the release: People who bought the supporter edition were knowingly scammed by dev, got NO updates in the last 10 months and NO full release preview. Absolutely disgusting practices.

Update some time after release: Buggy mess, still scammed, removed short maps, fuck off

TLDR: Active community, lying devs and no updates, fun when ignoring tactics, buggy, expensive asf.